Hi, my name is Silke, and animals have been an important part of my life for more than 40 years. Just like many other horse & pet owners, I have had countless amazing moments to last a life time, as well as times with illness, injury, and also death.
Studying Veterinary Science was not an option for me after school, and it took almost 20 years with a career in marketing and retail before I felt brave enough to study Veterinary Homoeopathy and natural healing methods in Germany. It was an eye-opener to understand nature’s powers and treasure the knowledge of our knowledgeable ancestors, who made modern medicine possible.
I see homoeopathy and herbalism as something to prevent conditions, or support known conditions and healing processes in a natural way. Gentle help from nature by looking for beneficial herbs and plants, is something our animals would have chosen in the wild – a choice, we have sadly taken away from them in the modern world.
Don’t get me wrong – I need to make this very clear your veterinary professional in times of emergency and severe illness consult your vet first!
Having said that, thanks for being here, and let me tell you more about herbs, plants & your animals…